
- Waterbury, CT

The Clearest
Solution To A Straightened Smile

Schedule your free consultation today!

Why Invisalign®?

The Invisalign system features a series of clear, smooth, plastic aligners that simply slip over your teeth and begin progressively straightening your smile. One of the most notable features of this system is the aligner’s appearance being virtually invisible! Instead of bulky metal brackets and wires, you can straighten your smile with sleek, transparent, comfortable material. More reasons to love Invisalign include:

How Much Will It Cost?

Our office in Waterbury, CT invites you to request a free consultation with us if you are interested in Invisalign. Invisalign is an excellent option for older teenagers and adults as their teeth and jawbones are done developing and allow for retainable results. Patients of this age range may also love the appealing transparent design and prefer it over traditional brackets and wires. Invisalign is recommended for patients who suffer from minor cases of the following orthodontic concerns:

How Long Does Invisalign® Take?

See Your New Smile In As Little As 6 Months With 3 Easy Steps

Free Consultation With Doctor

Develop Treatment Plan

Begin Treatment With Invisalign®

Invisalign® FAQs

It is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. There are no brackets, wires, or restrictions that come with metal braces.

Invisalign clear aligners are made with a patented flexible plastic material called SmartTrack created exclusively for Invisalign treatment. Invisalign clear aligners are FDA-approved and contain no BPA, PBS, latex, or gluten.

The length of treatment depends on multiple factors, including how complex your case is and how often you wear your aligners. Your doctor will determine exactly how long your treatment will take based on specific needs. 

Invisalign clear aligners are removable, so there are no food restrictions. With traditional wires and brackets, there’s a long list of foods you unfortunately cannot enjoy because they can damage or get stuck in your braces.

Wear your Invisalign aligners 20 to 22 hours a day to achieve the best result. Invisalign clear aligners fit your life. You can remove your aligners for eating, drinking, brushing, flossing, special occasions, and playing your favorite sport or instrument.

Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smile. Invisalign® clear aligners make it possible to correct common teeth-straightening and bite issues, from simple to complex - all without interrupting your busy life.

Invisalign treatment starts with a free consultation by an Invisalign-trained doctor. Your doctor will evaluate your smile and then map out a precise, customized digital treatment plan that showcases the step-by-step transformation of your smile.

Invisalign treatment is much more than a pretty smile. Crowded teeth are more difficult to clean, causing build-up of plaque that causes gingivitis and may lead to bone loss and periodontal disease. Invisalign clear aligners align teeth, improve periodontal hygiene, and are non-evasive, resulting in easier teeth cleaning.

Start The Smile Of Your Dreams!

Book your free consultation today!

Not Sure If Invisalign® Is Right For You? We Can Help!

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